“The hunger to know more and to unravel more that has to do with the riddle of life has ever intrigued all men.” Dr. Bhawisha Joshi

Homeopaths spend their entire lives learning and honing their skills to better serve their patients. There is a great emphasis placed on the mind and the mental state of the patient. Jan Scholten worked on the periodic table of elements quite extensively and found a common theme that ran through the elements as well as distinguished a person’s level of development across the columns within each row. The Joshi’s took this one step further and connected the three kingdoms.

The fourth level of human development for example falls in the 4th row of the periodic table of elements and has to do with structure and security. These patients are concerned with planning for a secure future. They are meticulous and exhaustive workers; routine makes them feel safe and secure and they are thrown off balance when their routines are disrupted.

Here are some key words that represent this level of development that may come through the expression of our patients:

Instinctive reactions, impulsive behavior, hectic pace, tremendous hurry and restlessness, monotonous, repetitive and meticulous actions, feeling of being small, unwanted like a pest and high sexuality.

When looking at the connection between the three kingdoms, we could consider a homeopathic family like the rodents as a suitable choice for such expressions.

Rodents have low self-esteem and they want to disappear from the face of the world and hide. The animal energy is vibrant in a case of rodent. There is a fight or flight reactivity, an animal conflict, fear and at the same time fighting back. There could be sensitivity and a submissive nature.

Would you like to know more about connecting all of this information?

Learn more about the MAP System in the following link. They are also giving a seminar on this system on November 7 and 8, please visit link in BIO or www.welledy.com/joshi

Join us and learn something new. This seminar is approved for continuing education credits with ACHENA and the CHO.

To know more about them and their work visit: www.drjoshisclinic.com
Thank you also to hpathy.com for publishing this article

Watch the FREE webinar on the Joshis MAP system

  • Homeopathy , Natural medicine , Nature cures , Research , Continuing education , Homeopathic medicine , Natural options , Healthcare , Health and wellness , Healthy life , Healthy lifestyle , Medical choices